Tuesday 27 March 2018

Hokkaido Milk Toast (Tangzhong Method)

Hokkaido Milk Toast (Tangzhong Method)

This Hokkaido Milk Toast is very soft and fluffy and can be kept soft for more days.
Here comes another tangzhong recipe again, my favourite Hokkaido Milk Toast. Yes, I’m really addicted to making breads with tangzhong (湯種 aka water roux). It’s the most reliable method to make soft and fluffy breads as far as I know. The bread can be kept for days and still very soft and fluffy. Best of all, the method is very natural, no chemicals needed. 

See the inner fluffy structure of this bread.

Honestly, the tangzhong dough is extremely sticky, due to the moist added by tangzhong, so that it’s quite challenge to knead by hand. Yet, my breadmaker is very loyal and does all the hard kneading job for me.

This is a very popular Japanese style toast, with rich flavour of milk. Many fans of my Chinese blog tried this recipe were amazed with the results.

Ever knew that this kind of Japanese milk toast costs very expensive in Asian bakery stores? Having got this recipe at a very handy place in my kitchen, I can bake as many as I want, for breakfasts, morning teas or afternoon teas.

The way to make Hokkaido Milk Toast : TangZhong


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